[ in a capsule...]
Toronto, after two unforgetable weeks in Venezuela. 5 airplanes, 1 taxi ride at 200km/hr in the middle of the night, one angel, 2 days in culture shok, 3 days spent in bed with sunburn, 1000 beers, 2 cachapas, 3 hallacas, 500 txt messages, busses, my husband and a load of amazing new friends. Now, I look back at a beautiful land of the "underveloped world", a paradoxical land where everyone has cell phones, and such amazing phones they are that some owners can't even afford to pay for the service. Where gasoline is cheaper than water, and beer cheaper than milk. With gorgeous mansions and ungodly dirt on the streets, I saw the beautiful, the ugly, the interesting and the unspeakable. I am glad and sad to be back home, and although I saw a lot of Venezuela, but something tells me, there is still more Venezuela to come.
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