[ All things bannana ]
[ Welcome to Motherhood ]
Not one, but two of my friends are pregnant and having their kids this summer. Which lead me down the "when will I have kids?" street, along with a bit of that feeling all women have, or most at least, the calling of the child.
I have been blessed with not 1 or 2, but 4 little girls within my close relatives and friends, but I can't help asking: "When is our turn?" And so after sulking for a couple of days, I decided to go shopping for my pregnant friend and go visit her to see her expanding self. The mall is packed with baby stores and mother to be places, and I am impressed with the fashion-forward outfits they have.
Today, I walked into a store, and the salesperson greeted me with "Welcome to Motherhood." I froze. I freaked out! I let out a laugh, that was the name of the store Motherhood, and though I am happy for the new babies coming, I think I am not quite ready to be enter and be welcome into motherhood.
One could safely say that I love the differences and similarities among latinos and their spanish. I like to know the regional words and ways of speaking, it may be a result of being homesick or simply the curiosity of our hybrid culture. This is an example:
"Caliche or Salvadoreño is a collection of slang words that is most comonly used in El Salvador but is also found on rare occasions in Chile. Salvadoreño employs techniques of Nahuat word construction, such as combining parts of two words to form a new one.
There are also numerous variations that include the term vergón, derived from a the slang word for penis (verga), is used to describe something 'cool'. Other variations include vergazo, vergonada, and vergonísimo." (see more)
Vergon verdad?
[ what words will not mend... ]
...a hug will.
Despues de varios dias de sentirme derrotada, por la distancia, hoy me gano otra batalla la falta de comunicacion, el cansancio y su ausencia. Ni amor, ni palabras, ni sarcasmo logro la sonrisa de mi amado. Un simple abrazo hubiese solucionado la falta de comprension, un abrazo secaria las lagrimas y la tristeza de la que estoy empapada. Usualmente me niego a escibir mis malos ratos para poder tirarlos al olvido pero en esta noche solitaria y fria, mi unico consuelo es expresar mi pesar.