May 22, 2008

[ Faith in humanity... ]

A few days ago my husband forgot his bag at a friend´s pick up truck, when returned there was an ipod missing. Our friend owns a green house and employs a few people to help out and ignored who took the ipod. I feel sorry for the person who took it and blame it all on the lack of buying power people here have.

I found this story in the Toronto Star:

I worked extra shifts at my part-time job to buy a new iPod. Just as I was leaving class one day, I realized I had lost it. I retraced my steps, I filed lost reports at school, at work and also the TTC. The TTC employee who accepted my report said: "Forget it bud, you'll never get it back."

I accepted the loss. A few days later, one of my friends called and said someone had found my iPod! I had recordings of my friend's band and the good samaritan recognized the band and tracked them down to return the iPod in hopes that the band could help.

She left an e-mail to confirm that I received it I sent her a coupon to my store to repay not only her honesty but her kindness.

I later returned to the TTC office to tell them, they were wrong about the honesty of Torontonians. Thank you Mindy for proving that point.
Michael Votron, Toronto

It would be wrong to generalize, but it is true that when people have a better economy they are more honest.

People like Mindy make this world a better place, and though our ipod was stolen, we should all remember that if we are kind to others one day we will all learn and the world will truly be a better place to live in.



At 2:39 PM, Blogger Rita Loca said...

Oh man, Sorry to hear that.
Even in Venezuela where theft is rampant for all the reasons you mention, we have had several nice encounters where people actually returned lost items. Including money!

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Rita Loca said...

Oh, BTW, I laughed about your 'paranoid' over groceries comment.:)


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