January 21, 2009

[ For the love of black ]

I refuse to be completely tropicalized. I may add a colour here and there but I still love black.

Black is the new black.



At 7:03 PM, Blogger Rita Loca said...

Although I did not vote for him, it was certainly time for this to happen! We can all take pride in that.

At 7:57 AM, Blogger {imaginativa} said...

Do not take this the wrong way, but my little post was related to the colours I wear rather than the new US president. But yes it was time it happenned.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Rosa said...

I'm sick of people being "proud" that Obama was elected president. Unless you are American, this is NOT your president. He is not the president of the WORLD for crying out loud. Maybe if people took more interest in local politics their countries wouldn't be so messed up!


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