November 23, 2007

[Happy ThanksGiving! without milk.]

While the US celebrates Thanksgiving, Venezuelans prepare for Christmas. Stores are full of decorations with escalating prices on everything to make sure all christians really do find out what giving is all about. I went shopping for ingredients to make oatmeal cookies to give away at christmas. Since these cookies do not need milk and only a couple of eggs I figured it was an ideal solution. Little did I know that after getting raisins, nutmeg and cinnamon, I wouldn´t be able to find flour, eggs, sugar nor oatmeal. There goes that bright idea.

I should be shopping for christmas food, instead I am, like most people I know here stocking up on whatever I find for the basics. My office mates and I have created a food network, unlike the one on TV this one consists of calling your mate when you find any of the missing items mentioned above.

Yesterday I went to the drugstore to get some yoghurt drink, because you can find ice cream, yoghurt, cheese and cream, but no milk, and I wonder, don´t they need milk to make these things? At the drugstore I found soy milk a nice alternative to milk, the regular price for milk is about Bs. 1800 a litre of soy milk was listed at Bs. 7000, a high price but I decided to pay it. When I got to the register I was charged Bs. 10 000. Not only are we being raped by the milk producers, now anyone who can sell alternatives to milk.

By the way, you cannot find any powder milk or tetra pak milk, and when you do, you have to pull out your kung-fu skills to get one item. Then you get stamped at the register (like an amusement park) so that you don´t go back and get more.

Que viva el socialismo!

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